Companies, Businesses & Organisations

Welcome to the directory listing for companies and businesses based in Germany and in African countries. For yearly listing on the directory, click on "Add Entry" to add your own business entity. We will review and publish the entry after receiving the directory fee.

Feel free to reach out for more details regarding the directory fee to


Doki's Advice is an organisation based in Germany offering free medical advice for East Africans with minimal income. The organisation was founded by Dr. Ogutu, a medical doctor who trained in Germany. Health should be free of charge to all Human beings, especially orphans, widows, the elderly and d
OBN Finance is a real estate company based in Germany. Founded by Bonn-based financial advisor Osman Nyei, combines complex mortgage calculations with the most efficient financial product advice given to you by our rich ecosystem of real estate partners, tax consultants, lawyers and banks.

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