Meet Wendo Joy who graduated with a Nano Degree in Data Science under the Bertelsmann Data Science Scholarship with Udacity Online University based in the Silicon Valley!

Wendo Joy studied Information Technology(IT) in Kenya at JKUAT and taught it at colleges in Nairobi before moving to Germany in 2013. She graduated with a Nano Degree in Data Science with Udacity Online University based in the Silicon Valley. Wendo secured an online scholarship to pursue this particular degree through the Udacity/Bertelsmann Scholarship in July 2017. She battled through phase one, which had 15,000 participants and managed to be among the 1500 data science scholars that were chosen to go to phase 2. APPLY for Bertelsmann Udacity Tech Scholarships here:

After graduating from Udacity, she decided to enroll for the EXIL programme in Osnabrück which assists immigrant women with IT skills access the job market in Germany. The course enabled Wendo to successfully join the University of Osnabrück or an internship in the department of Industrial Design. She is now currently working as a Front End and Mobile Web Developer.

Wendo is passionate about Computer Science and she believes she can contribute strongly to the Eco-System in Africa to support the current innovations back home. Subscribe to her YouTube channel on which she shares more inspirational stories of her life and also inspires new Developers.

She is also very passionate about music and her Band, "Harambee Live", which has 7 members is well known in Osnabrück. Check them out here

Watch her inspiring story here:

>>How the Bertelsmann Data Science Scholarship and IT Skills paved way into job market in Germany