Welcome to the directory listing for companies and businesses based in Germany and in African countries. For yearly listing on the directory, click on "Add Entry" to add your own business entity. We will review and publish the entry after receiving the directory fee.
Feel free to reach out for more details regarding the directory fee to business@ag-careerhub.com.
We are a team of Financial Advisors with the drive to educate expatriates and immigrants with an African background about the German financial system, and how they can use the system to achieve their financial goals.
We work together with our clients to develop and execute wholistic financial plans
Business Location: Germany
Website/ Social Media Link:
Company's Link:
Diaspora Insurance is a global company that provides funeral insurance to Africans in the diaspora. We pay cash up to $/£/€20, 000 per claim to cover all expenses associated with a funeral. No more GoFundMe. With more than 12 years of providing excellent service, we are a 5-star rated company.
Business Location: United Kingdom
Website/ Social Media Link:
Company's Link: