Meet our expert Dr. Jethron Ayumbah Akallah, a Lecturer at Maseno University in Kenya and a fellow of the Hans Boeckler Foundation.

Jethron did his PhD in Germany in the Department of History of Technology at the Technical University in Darmstadt. Jethron managed to apply for the Hans Boeckler Foundation Scholarship he was among the first Africans to get the scholarship. He is a happy returnee and he relocated back to Kenya in 2018.  He is currently working as a Lecturer at the Maseno University Kenya in the department of History and Archaeology being a pioneer in the History of Technology.

Jethron shared with us his academic path through an interview and we discussed the following topics:
-    Reasons why he chose Germany for the PhD
-    How he managed to get the Hans Boeckler Foundation Scholarship
-    Reason that motivated him to return back to Kenya
-    His PhD topic on the Technological Footprints of Urbanity: Water, Sanitation and Informality in Nairobi City
-    Message for Returnees willing to relocate back to Kenya

Jethron was amongst the three young scholars awarded the two year International Scholars Award(2019-2020) by the Society of History of Technology (SHOT) during their annual meeting at St. Louis, Missouri,USA in October 2018.The award recognises young emerging historians of technology in the Global South and gives them opportunity to take a leading role in growing technology studies in their respective regions.

Watch the LIVE video here: How Hans Boeckler Foundation funded my PhD in Germany